Online Business Solutions Replicate The Franchise Model

Save money by using online business solutions.

Franchises lead the way with some great lessons when you are designing your own online business solutions. A system can be defined as a predefined repeatable process to produce consistent outcomes. When we look at a typical large franchise model like McDonald’s, we see that everything is designed to produce consistent outcomes.

How can fifteen year olds, who can’t even organize themselves to clean their bedroom run a multi million dollar enterprise like McDonalds? It is all down to the system. From the moment a venue is decided upon for a new McDonald’s to the day it opens its doors to the public, everything has been documented and systematized. Everything can be completed in rapid time because everything has been planned and systematized.

There are a certain number of minutes that a pattie must be cooked on one side and there is a particular way that the

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4 Smart Ways To Retain Your Virtual Office Assistants

You go to a lot of effort to hire just the right virtual office assistants for your team. It takes some time from the moment you place the job ad until the final interview and you invest a lot of yourself into the process. Once you have found that right person, it is very important that you hold on to him. You want the relationship to be a long and satisfying one for both you the employer and your employee. How can you achieve this?

There are four steps to ensuring that you hold onto your staff.

The first step to find a virtual assistant is to make sure that you spend sufficient time with them. You really need to get to know your staff, their particular strengths and weaknesses. By giving regular feedback, holding one on ones and providing coaching, you will prove to them that you are really interested in helping them achieve the best they possibly can. Regular communication will ensure that any small problems are nipped in the bud and a real relationship of trust and

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Get more into what you love on YouTube with our new look

The Official Google Blog

From your favorite sports highlights and dance competitions to make-up tutorials, science experiments and great movies, there’s a ton of great stuff on YouTube—over 3 billion views worth per day by last count. More and more, behind every great video is a great Channel, and with our announcement last month that more of them are coming to YouTube, we want to make it easier for you to find and keep tabs of what you want to watch.

So, today we’re introducing a new homepage, Channel design and a fresh coat of digital paint. Here are three ways these updates will improve your life on YouTube:

1. A new homepage
The YouTube homepage is your gateway to a vast entertainment universe. To help you get more into YouTube, we’re making it easier to find and follow great Channels when you arrive. On the left side of the homepage you can create your own, personal, customizable YouTube Channel line-up. Sign in, or create a YouTube account. Then you can browse recommended Channels; customize your homepage’s feed; even link your YouTube account to Google+ and Facebook to see what your friends are sharing. The new homepage feed we launched earlier this year is now front and center on the homepage. You can switch between feeds by clicking on different Channels on the left.

For step by step instructions on using the new YouTube homepage, you can go to our help center.

2. Simpler, customizable Channels
Given the homepage’s new focus on helping you find and organize your favorite Channels, we would be remiss if we didn’t update the look and feel of the Channels themselves. Today we’re launching an improved Channel design focused on what matters most: helping users find great videos. As different uploaders have different goals, we’ve created new Channel templates to meet your needs whether you produce one video a week or have thousands of videos for a fan to browse. Some partners have even uploaded videos talking about the features, or giving tips on how they’re taking advantage of the new design. To learn how to opt-in to and test this new Channel design, check out our help center.

3. A new overall design
To bring the new homepage and Channels designs together we’ve also applied a fresh coat of digital paint across the whole site. In July, we unveiled an experimental design called Cosmic Panda. We’ve used your feedback to improve our overall design, and today, we’re presenting a cleaner and simpler YouTube, with a consistent gray background, bigger video thumbnails and a more streamlined watch page.

Ready to get started? Your new YouTube is already shipped and waiting for you at, and like every new toy, we included an instruction manual (and video) to help.

Our recent Channels expansion, our grants and educational programs, and this new design are all focused on helping you discover a broader range of entertainment on YouTube. We’re always innovating and testing new stuff out to make the experience the best it can be for you. We rely on your feedback to figure out when we’ve gotten it right and when it needs further tweaks. So let us know what you think.

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Online Workflow Management Systems For Virtual Assistants

Are your assistants following an effective online workflow?

An online workflow management system is basically mapping out exactly how you want your staff to complete a task in a clear and understandable process. There are four simple steps involved in this process.

First, the architect of the system needs to define the outcome or objective. A system is a predefined repeatable process that produces consistent results. We get to this system by first knowing what the outcome is.

The second step in this process is to do this task yourself. It will be very difficult to teach someone else how to do the task if you have not been through it yourself. You need to break it down action by action into a clearly defined step by step process using workflow management systems. If you are teaching someone to do SEO for example, you would say, step one, load up Google, step two type in free Google keyword tool, step three click

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Virtual Team Management Using One-On-One Meetings

Part of a successful virtual team management is arranging regular one on one meetings with each of your staff members.

When there is no coffee machine to gather around, it is that little bit harder to get to really know your virtual staff member. It is so easy for one of your office staff to drop by your desk, but with your virtual staff, it requires a greater deal of organization for these meetings to happen.

It is well worth the effort to find out about your virtual team. What are their hobbies, how many children do they have, what does their spouse do? Knowing your virtual team member to this extent will cement the relationship between you the employer and your employee.

A person who has a genuine relationship with their boss will want to please him and be willing to work harder for him. But you don’t build this sort of relationship in managing virtual teams just to see what you can get out of it. You do it because you are genuinely interested in your remote staff

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Advantages Of Using Online Communication Tools Today

Expecting your remote staff to complete tasks satisfactorily without first letting them know exactly what needs to be done and making sure that they have the skills and online communication tools to manage it, is unrealistic and can be very costly in terms of lost time and money.

Here are the top three reasons to get you and your virtual staff communicating better.

Better Job Descriptions

If you very clearly explain to your virtual staff exactly what and how you want the job completed, you will save them time and yourself frustration and money. Sometimes the job description will be very brief and broad, because it is something they have done many times for you before or the task is self explanatory. However, something new or non-standard will need very clear and detailed instructions.

Screen annotation can greatly help in your communication with your remote staff. There are three programs which you would benefit by taking a close look at. They are JingProject which is a

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How To Use Online Project Management Tools Effectively

At the core of effective online project management tools is: Who, What and When. Who is going to compete the task, what the task actually entails, and when it is going to be completed? If you keep these three things in mind when you set up and manage the project, you won’t go far wrong.

Choose the person who is the most qualified to complete the task, spell out exactly what they are going to do and how they’re going to do it and have a set date by which the entire project must be completed. You then need to communicate this to your staff and delegate the project with measurable deliverables.

It is very unsatisfactory to say to someone to ‘get most of this back to me as soon as possible.’ This does not create any feeling of urgency in the mind of your employee. If you want them to go to your project management dashboard and post on your blog, tell them how many posts they need to get done by which day. ‘I need you to make three posts by Wednesday,’ for

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Virtual Personal Assistants – Smart Ways To Encourage Productivity

Getting smart with the way you set up the pay structure for your virtual personal assistants can go a long way to driving performance and productivity and can get your remote workforce into the right habits from the outset.

It is crucial that you sell the idea of a probationary period to your virtual assistant in a positive way. Explain to her that she is going to have a lot of training from you during that time, which is why you are starting her out at a slightly lower rate. Once she has successfully completed this probationary period, her hourly rate will increase.

Tell her that being on probation can have benefits in terms of virtual assistant rates for both you, the employer and for her, the employee. It is a chance for each of you to become accustomed to the way the other works. If for any reason she is not enjoying her work, she can walk away with her head high. Similarly, if she does not fulfill the expectations you have of her, you can cut your ties with her and

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How To Get A Reliable Virtual Assistant Online

Choose the best VA to help your business grow.

There is a growing tendency among Australian companies to outsource much of their work, be it online design, content and article writing or general office and sales work. When this is the case, and the majority, or at least part of your team is virtual, you need to be sure you have hired virtual assistant online who you can trust and who are up to the task.

It is simply a waste of everybody’s time if you invest resources and training into someone, only to find that some months, or even weeks down the track, they are not delivering. Better to hire very slowly and make completely sure that you are happy with them and the way they work, and that they are happy and capable of working with you.

This applies equally to the team in your office, but it is that much harder to keep track of your best virtual assistant who is working for you thousands and thousands of

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